Thursday, September 28, 2006

timecheck : 1634 pm

Hibernating at home. I prefer to work but there's nothing that i can do when given a day off. No sorry, two days off to be exact. damn. Its boring and lifeless to stay at home. Adobe photoshop is my form of companion, my best friend. Today i created a new blog skin for those who have been bugging me to do one for them. cough *kelingbitch* cough.

*click for larger view

Anyone wants it? Of course, i can enhance it for you for sure.

I cant stand being at home!

I did not get the chance to watch Singapore Idol Final shows. I was prolly busy working at that moment of time. Still, i was juggling myself between working and sneakily listening to the radio that telecast SI. Im very proud that Hady won hands down. Its not like he doesnt deserves it. Its only to those people, cough *sabrinagiler* cough, that thinks he doesnt deserves the title. Ok whatever, it's over right? Luckily thank god there's YouTube. I merely watched the performances through that website. The whole event wasnt as hype as the first one, isnt it? Okok again, its already over.

Once again, I cant stand being at home!

Maybe because im so used to the working environment that i always feel i want to be there. In fact, Ive been breaking fast more at workplace than at home. haha.

I cannot wait to hold on that Giordano shirt that kelingbitch wants. Im going to get it first! haha. Im actually quite impressed with the range of clothing Giordano is selling right now. I just need that shirt.

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