Saturday, December 16, 2006

Today, is Friday 16th 2007.

Today its not a good day. I felt it.

String of bad lucks.
1. Test paper? thats bad luck for me haha on the fact that i hate test!

2. Strange happenings while i was at the mosque. Uztaz was shouting while reading his verses. haha. Unexpected large crowd.

3. My POSB card was 'eaten' by the machine itself b'cos i carelessly forgot to take my card back.

4. Fcuking long queue as i had to replace for a new card. But its actualli quite a norm to have long queues esp at banks and i waited for half hour before finally replacing a new one.

5. Fcuking heavy rain as i exited the bank. And it stops when i took a longer route to avoid myself from the rain.

6. I witnessed a fresh carcass of dead cat on my way home from work. This is tragic.

Strange feeling and i keep telling that to Bah. Now you believe me, Bah?

I must contact Mr Isaac Mendez.

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