Tuesday, August 30, 2005

some have their own creativity to hide things. smuggling i shld say. hats off to them cos they have successfully fooled certain people tat are not meant to see wad their finding.like me.

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national day container/ box that was given to singaporeans.

lets move on to the next topic.

my projects are officially done. yes. all done. im glad its all done. cos my course projects carry more marks than exams. for the record of my whole life education history, i have the least papers that i shld be worryin, oh puh lees. cos i onli have 2 papers for my semestral exams. ok. im nt showin off. its a fact. k.

im now in a holidae mood i shld say. enjoyin my one week study week meant for me to study. yet ive not start a single toot. never mind. i want to enjoy life first. then off my worries.

i still have yet to finish off from where i started. heres a sneak peak of whats inside the container/ box.


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creative? very indeed.

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